
Make Shaving Quick and Easy with These 5 Shower Shaving Hacks

1. Take a Seat or Get a Reinforcement

If you’re lucky enough to have a house or a flat with a bath that has a thick ledge, take advantage of it and have a seat. Otherwise, Keep your shower clean of mildew and soap scum to prevent a slippery surface from forming. Shaving pedstal also known as foot rest may relief you from shaky bending and bring ease in feminine shower shaving.

2. Gear Up

Before you start shaving in the shower, make sure you have all of your gear ready to go and close by, including your razor and shaving cream or gel. If you’re short on cream, use hair conditioner to soften your hair follicles for a smooth and quick shave. Try a shaving brush or a badger brush to apply your shaving cream with ease. You can also keep natural lip balm on hand to help heal any accidental cuts.

3. Shower First

Taking a shower before you attempt shaving gives your skin the chance to soften. Not in the mood for a full shower but still need to get the hair off your legs? Try dampening your face cloth with warm water and apply to your skin before you shave.

4. Go with the Grain in Short Strokes

You may think you’re saving time by shaving against the grains of hair, but what you really might be doing is asking for a bloodbath. Shaving against your natural hair growth makes it easier to get cut, so prevent unwanted nicks by shaving in the direction that your hair grows with short strokes.

5. Pack It Up and Put It Away

Want to know the easiest way to minimise the life of your razor? Leave it in the shower with all that humidity. Water can dull or corrode your blade fast, so make the effort to protect it. Take the much-needed step of packing it up and putting it away in a nice, dry area. If you can’t bother packing up your shaver, make sure you at least cover it with a cap. Keeping your shaver dry after use will prolong its life and make shaving while showering a nick-free event.

Bonus Points

What you don’t want to end up doing is having to call a plumber to unclog your pipes because of all the hair that gets caught in there after multiple shaves. Get bonus points for shower shaving by keeping a hair catcher on deck, so you can stay prepared and keep your money in your pocket.

By applying these shower shaving hacks to your shaving routine, you’ll be able to create a quick and simple gateway to smooth skin.




The Best Ways to Shave in a Hurry

We’ve all been there — you have an event to be at shortly but look down in horror at the fuzzy state of your legs! For many, shaving is a process that takes considerable effort and time. So, what do you do when you don’t have much time to get that perfect shave?

The good news is that it absolutely can be done. Shaving in a hurry doesn’t have to be a process marked with painful razor burn or unsightly bumps. Let’s take a look at some of the top tips for shaving in a hurry so you can make a smooth entrance into any event.

Make Sure Your Razors Are up to Scratch

Even when savouring a shave, there is nothing worse for your skin than a dull or dirty razor. Shaving in a hurry can be a hassle, but the tools you use should ensure you don’t leave the bathroom with a new collection of nicks and cuts.

Razors such as the ones from Dorco are curved, so it’s easier for the blade to move around your skin, reducing the potential for nicks. They also have moisturizing rims to soften the shaving process. Choosing a razor that has some sort of lubricating property is important, espeThe model used a bottle of Fiji water on her legs before shaving. Dry shaving is not recommended, so keep a bottle of water in your purse or car if you think you’ll be shaving outside of your home.

She also made sure to only shave the part of her leg that was visible. If your hemline covers the knee, consider shaving only from the knee down to minimise risk.

If you have a few more minutes at home before rushing out the door, you can take a few steps to make sure your fast shave goes to plan. Let’s explore some of the things you should consider with a few extra seconds to spare.

Specially if you are prone to dry skin. If you have razors with dull or rusted blades in your bathroom, toss them so you’re not tempted to use them for your next shave.

Hot Water Can Help


The best time to get in a quick shave is during or after a quick shower. The hot water will open your pores, allowing for a much closer shave. However, if you don’t have time for a full shower, you can always fill the tub with an inch or two of hot water. Stay in the tub while it fills so the warm water can do its work before you get started.

Consider Using Oils

Shaving creams and foams can be effective for all kinds of skin issues. However, natural oils are a great way to combat dry and sensitive skin, especially when time is short. Coconut oil is a favorite for getting impeccably soft legs. If you’re in a rush, rub some of the oil over the area you are shaving and get to work. The oil will moistrise and lubricate your skin as you shave, allowing the razor to glide over the area. Be sure you clean your razor property when you get some time on your hands, as oil can create buildup quicker than foam does.

The Post-Shave Step You Can’t Miss

Shaving quickly can lead to razor burn, which is why it isn’t typically recommended. However, if you have shaved an area in haste, you can follow up with a quick post-shave lotion to minimise irritation. moistrising or applying a post-shave lotion will lock in the shave and give the area an extra boost to fight dryness and razor burn. Choose a cream that is designed specifically to prevent your hair follicles from rebelling and creating red bumps on your skin.

The Bottom Line

Shaving in a hurry can be nerve-wracking, but it definitely can be done when you absolutely must be somewhere on time. With the right shaving kit and a bit of patience, you can be punctual and pleasantly smooth at the same time.


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What Did We Do Before the Invention of the Humble Razor?

Most of us take shaving with a razor for granted, but there was a time when you couldn’t simply go to the nearest shop for replacement blades.Men and women have used a variety of methods to trim their body hair over the years. And this now-mundane task was particularly tough before razors were invented. The average man has more than 25,000 hairs — each one as tough as copper wire. Shaving was once a painful, bloody experience.

Despite this daunting challenge, history tells us that the art of shaving was mastered by the Ancient Egyptians. But the very first tools used to remove body hair are thought to date back to at least 30,000 B.C. The history of shaving is fascinating, and it begins during the time of the earliest humans

Prehistoric Shaving


Archaeologists have discovered cave drawings depicting early humans using sharpened flint and clam shells to remove body hair. There are also examples of primitive shaving tools fashioned from obsidian, which is a volcanic rock that has extremely sharp, glass-like edges. It seems that hair has always been an issue for humans, and the creation of tools to remove it has been happening for as long as mankind has walked the earth.

In Southern Asia and the Middle East, people developed a form of hair removal that still exists today. Threading was widely performed in these regions more than 3,000 years ago. This ancient procedure involves using rolled strings to pluck hairs from the face. Meanwhile in Persia, the art of hair waxing was being perfected by rich and powerful merchants and political leaders. Waxing and threading may still be practised today, but little has changed in terms of the pain they both cause.

Ancient Egypt


Like so many everyday items we rely on today, the first sophisticated razors were created by the Ancient Egyptians. Archaeologists have discovered bronze, circular razors in Egyptian tombs — proving just how important they were to the rich and powerful at the time. In Ancient Egyptian society, hair was considered to be barbaric and uncivilised, which is why pharaohs would shave both their head and their face.

From the Graeco-Roman Era to the Industrial Revolution

It was during the 4th century that shaving reached Europe. By that time, both the Greeks and the Romans shaved regularly. The practice caught on throughout Europe thanks to Alexander the Great. He used to force his men to shave their faces and heads in order to prevent enemy soldiers from grabbing their hair during close-combat battles. However, shaving was still the enclave of the rich and powerful at this time, and the most widely used instruments were made from expensive copper, iron and gold.

It is believed that Roman women used to shave as well, using pumice stones and their own depilatory creams made from ancient natural medicines. Historians also know that during this era, women would use tweezers to pluck their eyebrows.

During the rule of the Roman Empire, the most common design of shaving implements changed from a curved shape to the straight edge we know today. However, Julius Caesar didn’t use sharp blades at all — he would have his facial hairs individually plucked out, one by one.

The Romans took their personal hygiene and appearance very seriously indeed. The wealthy would often have their own live-in servant, whose only responsibility was to shave his master and perform various beauty treatments. Others would start every day with a visit to the barber (called a tonsor in Ancient Rome), where facial hair would be removed with an iron novacila. This primitive hair-removing contraption resembled a knuckle-duster, but all too often it would become blunt and rusted, causing severe cuts and infections.

For hundreds of years, a basic, straight-edged blade made from various metals was used for shaving. It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution and the development of Sheffield steel in the United Kingdom that razor blades started to evolve into what we use today.

So it’s been quite a journey for the humble razor. From the early use of clam shells by prehistoric men to the quadruple-bladed marvels of engineering we know today, the razor has come an awfully long way.


How to Shave Your Bikini Area in 6 Easy Steps

How to Shave Your Bikini Area in 6 Easy Steps

We all know how annoying pubic hair can be: it’s itchy, uncomfortable and a definite no-no when you’re getting ready to don a bikini. If you’re nervous about the pain of a Brazilian wax, you can instead opt to shave your bikini area and get rid of that pesky hair with very little trouble.

1. Trim

If it’s been a while since you’ve bothered shaving your bikini line, start with some small scissors and carefully trim the area you intend to shave. This will make it easier for your razor to get a cleaner shave, and help you avoid nicking yourself in those sensitive spots. Get as close as you can without putting yourself in danger of cutting the skin.

2. Soak

Next, hop in the shower, turn up the heat, and relax for a few minutes. You’re not stalling — you’re allowing the hair time to soften in the hot water. The more pliable your hair is, the more effortlessly your razor will glide across your skin. The heat also opens up your pores, making your skin more receptive to those moisturisers you’ll be using after your shave. Give yourself 5–10 minutes in the heat; then, you can move on to the next step.

3. Treat

Light exfoliation helps remove dead skin build-up around the hair so that you can get a closer shave. Using either a gentle body scrub or just a washcloth, gently massage your bikini line to loosen and remove that layer of dead skin that has built up over time. If you have sensitive skin, go easy on with this step, as the combination of scrubbing and shaving can actually cause more irritation.

4. Lather

Next, you’ll need a quality shaving cream. Creams are much more effective than your average soaps; as creams lather better than soaps, they allow your razor to slide across the skin closely without causing burn. Most shaving creams also contain moisturisers to help hydrate the skin as you trim. When you’re shaving such a delicate area, this is one step you definitely don’t want to skip.

5. Shave


Now it’s time for the challenging part. First pick a razor that has at least three blades so that you can get nice and close, preferably one with a lubricating strip for added moisture and gentleness. Then, pulling the skin tight, slowly and carefully shave in the direction your hair grows. This helps prevent razor burn, but it also will not give you as close a shave. If you want to get it smoother, give it another pass, this time going against the grain. Be gentle and don’t press on the razor. You can always do multiple passes if necessary, but it’s better to take your time to ensure a clean shave with no accidental cuts.

6. Moisturise

Once your skin is satisfactorily smooth, pat your skin dry with a clean towel and select a moisturiser to finish up. A light, hypoallergenic body cream is a perfect choice for giving your skin a soft texture, while preventing any inflammation from the shave. Also, remember that it’s preferable to shave your skin at night – this prevents irritation and allows your moisturiser more time to soak into your skin and provide deep hydration.

Shaving your bikini line takes time and focus, but practice makes perfect and after a couple times you’ll be a pro. Now hop into that bikini and hit the beach!




6 Brilliant Things About Kissing a Man With a Beard

To shave, or not to shave? That is the question men ask when moving in for a kiss.

We turned to the partners who get it for a list of the best things about kissing with a beard, and they gave us no shortage of reasons why kissing men with beards is always better. Here are some of the top rationales.

1. Beards Make a Man … Well, More Manly

Perhaps it caters to our animal instincts, but beards can really get our primeval juices flowing. When our heroes look like manly beasts, it’s just a whole lot sexier. If you are a kisser who likes it more aggressive, beards can give you a touch of roughness. A beard makes you feel like everything this man builds with his own two hands or sets out to do will get done and be epic, period. Here’s a guy who takes action.

2. Your Rebellious Youth Comes to the Fore

You remember the “bad boys” from high school, don’t you? They all either had some stubble or facial hair. Maybe even a tattoo and some cigs in their pocket. And yet, dating one would make you the ultimate bad girl, so you played it safe and kept your fantasies to yourself. Now, your partner — if he has a beard — can help you relive them all.

3. Kissing Is More Mysterious When There’s a Beard Involved

When a man’s facial hair is well-groomed and trimmed, he comes across as truly sophisticated. Think rugged and stylish actor Sean Connery. Or Brad Pitt, for that matter. The kind of man you want to know more about … but you know he’ll never really let all his secrets out. And that’s half the excitement.

4. While Kissing, It’s More Fun to Stroke a Partner With a Beard

Think evolution. Animal instincts, the need for grooming, stroking and, yes, petting — all better with facial hair involved. You’ll start to realize that men may not be too far from house pets: They like rubbing, scratching and sometimes a bit of pulling. If you do it just right, you can spark those nerve endings for some truly pleasurable sensations!

5. Beards Can Cure Boredom

If you ever wished for a brand-new boyfriend, just to spice things up a little, look no further than your current one! Just ask him to grow a beard. And then, make sure that it’s always perfectly trimmed the way you like it. Note how different Hollywood actors often change up their look or conform to the current character they are playing by growing out a beard.

6. Sexy People Know There’s an Art to Grooming

Some guys just know how to look perfectly put together — even with all that facial hair. And when your man makes the effort to work up a lather in the morning and trim his beard just right, it’s like he’s refined a timeless art. You appreciate the effort he makes to be the best for you, and you’re happy to do the same for him. If chemistry is partly physical and partly intellect, then we are happy to report that proper grooming requires both.


3 Rules for Grooming Before a Date:

Growing out a beard doesn’t mean becoming scraggly and unkempt. And when you’re meeting someone on an initial date, first impressions do count. As noted above, you can pull off the sophisticated, sexy look just as well with a face full of hair! Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing for your important day, or night.

1. Keep it neatly trimmed

Before a date, it’s essential to clean up. Good grooming gets bonus points every time!

Using special razors with precise blades will make the shaving process more efficient. Use ones that have excellent handles for concise control. You can stay elegant and luxurious-looking with the PACE6 PLUS razor.

2. Beards should be soft

It’s not just about the looks, but also how it feels.

Any facial hair should be smooth to the touch and not feel prickly. You may already be applying conditioner to your beard when you wash, but give it extra care with vitamin E. Try razors with vitamin E strips if you can’t get the conditioning or oil needed.

3. Style—not irritating stubble

Stubble is prickly, and an actual turn off.

When styling your beard, you may need to go to a salon for your first stylish cut. After that, simply use the right tools. A razor with a pivoting head can help you reach all the right places and make sure your beard is always attractive.

Advice for Partners Who Love Men With Beards

If you experience “beard burn,” an irritating spot above your lips, simply soothe the skin and condition it with aloe vera gel. You can also apply chamomile tea bags to help with any irritation. Always let your partner know how you like him to trim (or not trim) his facial hair. Honesty is the best policy!

For more great hair ideas, beard tips and shaving hacks, follow Razors by DORCO on Facebook.


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Angelina’s Casa

“Smooth, hair-free skin is a must come summer-time. Promising some of the best razor technology around is this new Dorco Eve 6 … (the under-the-radar brand is in fact at the forefront of shaving technology and has been for over 60 years).”

Destination Delicious

“After using the EVE 6, I was left cut free and had some seriously smooth legs. I for one, am definitely converted and can’t wait to get my legs out this weekend!”


Dorco helps you get ready for your extra day off – no matter how you decide to spend it!

Us Brits love to celebrate bank holidays, and as the last one before Christmas, it’s time to make the most of that extra day off. Whether you plan on forgetting your alarm and sleeping through to late morning or getting out early to make the most of your day, Dorco can help you look the part doing it.

For those channel-surfing, sofa-loving men out there, why not spend a lazy day with your loved one, giving you the perfect excuse to keep the rough-and-ready look. With Dorco’s trimmer blade you can quickly neaten up your sideburns and beard, whilst maintaining a look that says, “I’m spending my bank holiday on the sofa watching re-runs of Mad Men – but have company, so still want to look good”.

Dorco is also there for the more adventurous-type too; those that want to embrace an extra day off, doing anything to avoid wasting the day. It could be a game of crazy-golf, lunch with your loved one or driving to the beach to spend the day by the sea. Either way you’ll want to be ready to revel in your Monday off work, feeling fresh-faced and looking well-groomed.


With six ultra-sharp diamond hard coated blades, Dorco’s Pace 6 Plus offers a world-class shaving experience with enhanced durability. For men that want a hassle-free shave, the Pace 6 Plus also has a non-slip handle for secure grip and a vitamin infused moisturising strip to leave your face feeling smooth and great to touch.

Order the Pace 6 Plus from Dorco UK’s online shop at www.razorsbydorco.co.uk or even get it geared up ready to be delivered to you before you hit the road on bank holiday Monday, by signing up to the flexible online subscription service.

Dorco is all about no-fuss this bank holiday so you can concentrate on you – whether that’s staying indoors catching up on your favourite shows, or out taking on the day.

  • ENDS –



DORCO is an expert in razor innovation, providing millions of customers in over 130 countries worldwide with premium shaving products. Razors by DORCO is proud to introduce its shaving innovation to the UK market, including an ultra-sharp six-blade shaving system, as well as DORCO’s innovative and patented common docking system.  With over 60 years of expertise in offering advanced blade technology, DORCO offers a flexible subscription service on their superior quality razors and replacement blades.

For more information please contact:

Rupert Esdaile – REsdaile@golin.com/020 7067 0288