It [is] a razor you can use on the go too as the technology enables you to get a quick but close shave, which is perfect for us girl bosses or busy mums.”
Monthly Archives: September 2016
Let’s Start With this One
“Dorco do not hold back on giving their customers the best possible for time, ease and effectiveness. … I instantly had smooth legs in a quick and easy fashion.”
Dolce Vanity
The head is quite big but it covers more of the shaving area for a quick and close shave, with an innovative brush finger, it massages the body and raises hair follicles for a closer, smoother shave.”
Do Women Find Men With Beards More Attractive?
Each and every day, women come face to face with all manner of facial hair showcased on their male counterparts. Exhibiting a variety of styles and lengths, the beard can take on many forms, from the subtle goatee to the trendy lumberjack hipster beard, from the classic refined look to something reminiscent of a wizard’s unkempt mane. While some men are happy to grow a beard that they feel best suits themselves, others do so in order to appear more attractive to women. However, although survey results show that most women find bearded men more attractive, this doesn’t necessarily mean men should let their beards go feral.
Do Women Find Men With Beards More Attractive?
According to a new study, men and women participants consistently rated faces with facial hair more attractive. “When shown men’s faces, men and women study participants consistently rated the faces with beards or stubble as more attractive than clean-shaven faces. But beards were most alluring when facial hair was rare, whereas clean-shaven faces gained in popularity when hairy faces were the norm,” the researchers wrote in the study, detailed April 16,2014 in the journal Biology Letters.
In the study, participants were assigned to one of three groups. The first group saw only clean-shaven faces, the second group only
fully bearded faces
, and the third group all faces. Across all groups, the participants rated beards and stubble as more attractive than clean-shaven faces, but the preference for facial hair was greatest in the group who saw only clean-shaven men. The findings suggest that facial hair is most desirable when it is rare and why beards go in and out of fashion over the time.
So what type of beard should men grow in order to be more attractive to women?
The answer to the above question is not what you’d expect, because there simply is no single, perfect choice of beard that will have women swooning at your feet. Rather, the answer is: whichever beard makes the best first impression.
Everybody knows that first impressions count, and a woman’s first impression of a man’s facial hair is no exception. A clean-shaven look may look great on some men, because, let’s face it, a beard just doesn’t suit everybody. But for those men who do wear a beard well and proudly, several studies have proven that a light beard on a man appears to be the optimal choice for most women.
Survey results by
show that most women find light stubble to be more attractive than a clean-shaven face. The result is light stubble>clean shaven>less than a beard but more than stubble > the bushier the better.
According to Female First
, another survey by found out what women really think of a moustache on a man. “73% of ladies find facial hair attractive on a potential date, however only 25% would date someone with a moustache. The findings suggest that if single men want to increase their dating pool they should ditch the larger moustache and go for designer stubble instead.”
So, show up on a first date with some noticeable and obviously well-maintained, stubble, and you’ve already scored a few points. (Hopefully, your personality
When is a beard too much beard?
Lengthier beards appear to be all the rage these days, as men are keen to be channeling channelling their inner Viking. While a longer beard makes a man look more mature, most women involved in the studies were a bit turned off by the more aggressive look.
How to keep that beard in perfect shape
The colder weather and the countdown to the beginning of Movember is the perfect time to start growing that beard. Of course, cultivating the perfect beard means utilising the perfect tool. That’s where razors by Dorco come into play. Combining 60 years of expertise with today’s advanced razor technology, these quality products offer users an unparalleled shaving experience, and are ideal for keeping the perfect beard well-maintained on a daily basis.
Experiment with different lengths and styles to see what type of beard suits you, and you’ll soon be on your way to giving the ladies something to talk about. (Or presenting your current girlfriend or spouse with a new masculine look to help keep the embers burning!)
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6 brilliant things about kissing a man with a beard
A womans guide to shaving your face
The science of shaving how to pick the best razor for your shaving goals
T’is the season to bare with dorco eve
How to self shave the back of your neck
Beard trends 2016 maintenance tips
How to prevent irritation when shaving your head
8 tips for caring for your razor
The best ways to shave in a hurry
5 Steps for Silky Skin
5 Steps for Silky Skin
We all love the feeling of silky soft skin, but have a hard time replicating it on a daily basis. Ingrown hair often fights a constant war on our legs, leaving them red and irritated. You might head to the spa for waxing or use an epilator, but you’re not a big fan of painful beauty routines. When you’re in the mood to give yourself the luxury shaving treatment without the hassle, follow these five steps.
1. Exfoliate
Exfoliation gets rid of the dead cells that hang around on your body, allowing healthy skin to show through. Your legs can stand up to a strong scrub, so break out the products you can’t use on your face. Salt and sugar scrubs give great results, but you can also use exfoliating gloves or chemical-based peels.
2. Take a Warm Shower
There’s nothing better than a steaming hot shower – except when you want silky skin. Turn the temperature down so you have a warm shower. Relax and take your time, as you want to get your pores as open as possible. Use a gentle cleanser to wash off and prepare for shaving.
3. Shave
You can’t shave with any old razor and expect great results. Old razors irritate your skin as you go over the same area repeatedly, trying to cut all the hair. Single blade disposables have a problem getting all the hair in a single pass, resulting in a similar problem to dull razors. Multi-blade models require fewer strokes to get your intended end result, which reduces your chances of creating an irritated surface prone to razor bumps.
4. Prevent Ingrown Hair
Ingrown hair can be painful and prevents you from getting the smooth skin that you’re dreaming about. Starting off with exfoliation and giving your pores time to open up during your shower help with this problem, but you should take a few extra steps to avoid this leg hair dilemma.
Do you currently suffer from this issue? The problem may come from your hair removal methods. Waxing takes your leg hair out at an angle, so it’s not growing straight out of the skin. When it grows sideways, you end up with irritated skin that’s uncomfortable and unsightly. Switch to shaving-only if you find yourself full of ingrown hairs post-waxing. The way your hair grows in naturally may be predisposed to ingrown hairs, so shaving lets you manage this more effectively than waxing.
Are you lucky enough to not have a single ingrown hair on your legs? Keep it that way by applying serum designed to prevent ingrown hairs from developing. You should do this before you get out of the shower, right after you shave your legs.
5. Moisturise
You lead a busy lifestyle, so you don’t always remember to moisturise before you leave the bathroom. However, putting lotion on when your skin is dry doesn’t have the same effect as when it goes on a damp skin. The primary benefit to doing this right away is to trap the shower’s moisture, as well as softening your skin. You do have to spend some time waiting in the bathroom while the lotion dries, so make sure to schedule a few extra minutes for this process. It’s well worth it in the long run when you head out the door with silky smooth skin.
Many women have to figure out the best way to shave through trial and error and have the ingrown hairs to prove it. Skip the painful part of this experimentation process and get the best shave of your life with this skin-friendly technique.
Top 10 Most Viewed Articles
6 brilliant things about kissing a man with a beard
A womans guide to shaving your face
The science of shaving how to pick the best razor for your shaving goals
T’is the season to bare with dorco eve
Do Women Find Men With Beards More Attractive?
Beard trends 2016 maintenance tips
How to prevent irritation when shaving your head
8 tips for caring for your razor
The best ways to shave in a hurry
How to self shave the back of your neck
Best Date Night Ideas for Busy Men
When you don’t have time to plan a fancy date, that doesn’t mean it has to be any less special.
Here are six great ideas you can either throw together last minute or plan way in advance. Make your special evening fantastic, romantic and memorable.
1. Hire a Home Chef
When you are running late at work, no need to cancel on your date! Dial up a home chef to come to your place and give you both the special treatment! If you plan this in advance, you can request the chef to prepare her favourite foods for a full-course meal. If you have kids, just plan a sleepover. Send them to your friends and have a cosy night in. Some catering companies or home chefs come complete with fancy dishes and candles to set the mood.
2. Visit a Neighbourhood You’d Both Love to Live in
Whether you’ve been together three months or three years, there’s no harm in making fantasy plans for the future. Go for a drive to a neighbourhood where you could see yourselves living together. Have fun conversations about which types of houses you’d buy, and where. What renovations would you make to which homes? Which gardens inspire? Have fun being creative while getting inspired. If it’s an evening drive, you’ll get specially lit houses for a different effect. Plus, this requires no dressing up so it’s all less hassle.
3. Try to Get Out of An Escape Room Together
If you haven’t tried Escape Rooms yet, you’re missing out! They will test your problem-solving skills as well as teamwork! It’s an adventurous date that’s sure to be fun and exciting. Besides the friendly competition, you get to have lots of conversation and test each other to the limit –literally. Great for both first dates, long-term partners or married couples wanting to up the excitement level.
4. Take an Evening Course Together
Nowadays, there are all kinds of offers: DJ-spinning classes, sushi-making, painting, language learning classes… choose one skill you would both like to learn together and mark one night on your calendar to make it happen! Of course, if it’s something like a cooking lesson, then you’ll both benefit from your new skills.
5. Stay-In Date Night Ideas
Could be simple board games, puzzles or even something kinkier. Having a night in is a great chance to plan a date where you can both relax, sip wine on your favourite couch and enjoy each other. And, there’s no need to get dressed all fancy to go somewhere. Simple, smart grooming and wearing your favourite chilled-out clothes will do. Set up some mood music or plan a movie marathon.
Just remember: whatever type of date you plan, how much cash you spent or how expensive the evening was isn’t a gauge to go by.
The important thing is to leave the daily anxieties behind, take it easy and enjoy each other’s company. We only live once. Cheers to health, life and happiness with your loved one!
7 Best Things About Dating A Man With A Beard
When you read about beards, you’ll often see debates between the beard lovers and the beard haters. Unfortunately for the anti-beard crowd, a
scientific study published in the Journal of Evolution and Human Behavior
found that heavy stubble wins out over clean shaven. What do women love most about this alluring facial hair?
1. Masculine Appeal
Beards have been associated with masculinity for hundreds of years. Everything from sharp goatees to cascading waves of facial hair has come in and out of fashion, but one thing stays the same. The perception of a man’s masculinity increases with the amount of facial hair that he has. Whether you want a short, neatly trimmed look or a wild grown facial forest is up to your personal preference.
2. Running Your Fingers Through Beards
Once facial hair accumulates some length, it becomes exceptionally soft. Forget the chamomile tea for relaxation as nothing beats running your fingers through his beard and feeling the texture. You get even more from this experience if he spends some time conditioning it beforehand. Give him some conditioner formulated for facial hair if you want to encourage this behaviour. You get extra points if you select a favourite scent.
3. The Smell of Beard Oil
Beard oil is an excellent creation, and whoever decided to offer a scented version is a genius. Unlike cologne, beard oil doesn’t have an overpowering smell. It’s subtle and provides a light accent to his natural smell. Most products take the same basic scents, often found in fragrances for men, but tone it down significantly so you aren’t choking on it.
4. The Way It Rubs Against Your Face
When a make out session goes well, you will end up with a lot of face-to-face contact. Let’s be honest. No one wants to endure the pain of stubble rash when you have a normally clean shaven guy sporting a five o’clock shadow. Your face feels like you have a cheese grater to it, which is never a pleasant sensation. In contrast, a proper beard is soft and welcoming as it glides along your skin.
5. The Changing Look of Facial Hair
A bearded man can change his style drastically by whipping out the trimmer and trying a brand new look. Heavy stubble, long face locks, and everything in between give you a front seat to the variety show. Some particularly adventurous men experiment with bright colours, beard braids and incorporating flowers or beads into the mix. Where else will you find that?
6. A Bit of a Bad Boy
We don’t know why, but the clean shaven look can often insinuate sticking to the rule book. And that’s just not going to work for all of us. A man who shows off his facial hair, especially when he lets it grow all the way out, has just enough of that bad boy element to really drive his appeal rating through the roof.
7. Beard Scratching
You know that content look cats get on their face when you scratch under their chins? You can get that same expression on bearded men when you scratch their face. Make sure to file your nails down smoothly, so you don’t get caught in his hair or accidentally cut him in the process. If you have the time, put on a clear coat of nail polish so you completely smooth out any rough edges.
Beards are wonderful, versatile and attractive parts of a guy’s look. While there are endless reasons that you love beards, the above seven reasons make the top of the list. The next time you’re out on the town, keep track of how many beard styles you end up spotting. Chances are, you’ll find a few clear favourites in your local area.
How Can You Tell Your Razor Blade Needs Changing?
The closest, most comfortable shave possible relies on razor blades of the very highest quality. A wet shave is only ever as good as the razor being used, so replacing blades regularly is essential.
A quality blade should deliver several close shaves. But while regular replacements are essential, there is very little to be gained from changing a blade while it’s still in great shape. The end of a razor blade’s useful life depends on a range of factors, including how often it is used, the size of the area it is used on and the thickness of the hairs it is shaving.
So when is it time to change a blade? Well, there are some tell-tale signs to watch out for.
Pulling and Tugging
A good razor blade should glide over the skin with ease, particularly if the blade is going with the grain of the hairs. But older, blunted blades have a tendency to tug and pull at the skin — causing irritation. Severely worn blades can cause nicks, cuts and rashes, so it’s imperative that they’re replaced the moment they start to feel uncomfortable against the skin.
Regardless of how well a blade is performing, rust is a sign that a replacement is needed immediately. Not only does rust interfere with the performance of a blade, it can cause serious blood infections if the skin is nicked during shaving.
The Shave Loses Its ‘Closeness’
Nothing delivers a close shave like a quality razor blade. But if that prized ‘closeness’ starts to suffer, it’s definitely time for a replacement. Skin should be soft and completely stubble-free after a shave; if it’s not, the blade simply isn’t doing its job anymore. This loss of performance will often be accompanied by increased irritation during and after a shave.
Prolonging the Life of a Razor Blade
There are ways users can prolong the life of their blades. For instance, repeatedly rinsing the razor after every two or three swipes will stop hair from increasing friction and pressure — both of which can dull a blade. It’s also a good idea to give a blade a thorough rinse after every use, making sure to wash away all remaining hairs.
Water is essential for the cleaning of a blade, but it can also be the enemy. Contact with water can cause steel to rust, so it’s a good idea to use a flannel to dry razor blades after every use.
There are some very effective cleaning solutions for razor blades on the market today. Not only do these solutions sterilise blades, they reduce friction and protect against premature corrosion.
Quality Goes a Long Way
Buying a quality blade is always cost-effective, as it will last significantly longer than a cheaper, inferior blade. The Dorco PACE6 PLUS, for instance, has received exceptional reviews in a survey performed by Contract Test Inc. in July 2016. After 16 uses of the blade, around 90 percent of respondents revealed they intended to continue using the same blade. And 77 percent said they were still completely satisfied with the blade’s performance. Crucially, two-thirds of the men interviewed said they would use their blade at least another three times after the initial 16 uses.
Razor blades need to be clean, free from corrosion and as sharp as possible if they’re going to deliver a close and comfortable shave. Looking after blades and replacing them when the need arises will ensure the best possible shave every time.
Frey de Fleur
“If you have sensitive skin like me you’ll love the moisturising band with Aloe, Vitamin E and Lavender which calms and protects skin – et voila perfect legs!”
February Girl
“Not only is the shave so close and precise, I don’t have to angle the blade in order to get the close shave, the position of the six blades has got it covered and cuts hairs at every angle.“