6 Need-to-Know Grooming Hacks for Men

No time for your usual grooming routine? No problem. You don’t have to sacrifice looking good to get where you’re going fast when you know what short-cuts to take. Discover six grooming hacks every man needs to master.

1. Use Coffee Filters to Double as Oil Blotting Sheets


An oily face can make you look too shiny in person and on camera. However, you can take control of your look even without oil-blotting sheets with the help of a coffee filter. Absorb the extra oils from your chin, nose and forehead so that you can look your best when you’re short on time.

2. Use Hand Cream for Frizz-Free Hair

Walking around with unkempt hair may work for the bedroom, and it’s easy to encounter when the elements make the air humid. But when you want to transition to a boardroom look or smooth out your hair while you’re pressed for time, you don’t have to schedule an appointment at the barber. You can hack your way to a professional look in an instant by using hand cream. The ingredients in many hand creams include smoothing agents that help to mat your hair. Just lather up a drop or two in your hands and apply it to the frizzy part of your hair,  adding the right amount of moisture in an instant.

3. Control the Cling with a Dryer Sheet

Rain or humidity can often be the culprits of flyaway hair. If matter rubs against your hair, it can create a negative charge resulting in a static attraction that can make your hairs stand up and out of place. When you’re trying to tackle flyaways on-the-go, take a look at your laundry room for a dryer sheet. Dryer sheets are useful for controlling hair flyaways while making it smell fresh. Just use a sheet to quickly relax your strands by rubbing it over your  hair.

4. Shave with a Conditioner

Running out of your favorite shaving cream doesn’t have to stop you from keeping a clean look. Just reach for your
hair conditioner and use it as a substitute
or your shaving cream while simultaneously
moisturising your skin.
It’s also good for using on sensitive areas so you don’t have to experience any uncomfortable effects of menthol or other cooling agents found in some shaving creams.

5. Keep Your Razors Fresh

Your razor
is the key to keeping your hair groomed. However, moisture can easily reduce your razor blades’ lifespan and make it prone to rust when you leave it exposed in the shower.
Rusty razors
can also dull your blade or infect your face if you use them. Instead of leaving it in the open air after you shower, you can extend the use of your razor by simply storing it in a dry area, such as your cabinet, standing it blade-side up in a container or drying it with a hair dryer to avoid oxidation.

6. Treat Shaving Nicks with Lip Balm or Petroleum Jelly

Next time you nick your skin while shaving in a hurry, you can reach in your pocket for lip balm to stop the bleeding in its tracks. Lip balms have a waxy texture thanks to emollients or ingredients with emollient-like properties, such as lanolin, petroleum jelly and beeswax. You can use the lip balm to seal off the bleeding to form a clot and save time with the healing process.

Keeping up your look doesn’t have to take up too much time. You can follow these six hacks to be groomed in an instant.

A Guide to Shaving According to Your Skin Type

Chances are you’ve been shaving for many years and you probably already know the basics. But did you know that the methods you use should be adapted to the type of skin you have?

Choosing the best possible razor, shaving products and techniques shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all affair. To protect your skin from dryness, irritation and razor bumps, find out your skin type — and take the appropriate steps.

Dry skin

Restricted production of sebum is usually the cause of dry skin. This leads to a situation whereby water has difficulty penetrating the skin’s surface. Existing dehydration and tightness of the skin can be exacerbated by shaving, so you should do everything you can to preserve and increase the moisture in your skin. If you suffer with dryness, the key to a successful shave lies in the preparation.

Choose your shaving products wisely if you suffer from dry skin. Alcohol-based creams and lotions, for instance, can dehydrate the skin further — exacerbating existing problems. Always shave just after a shower or bath, as the hairs on your face will be softer and easier to cut. Apply an oil or balm to your face immediately after getting dried. And choose a moisturising shaving gel or foam that will lock in moisture and protect your dry skin from irritation.

The need for a sharp razor blade of the highest quality simply can’t be overestimated for people with dry skin. Invest in a precision-engineered blade, and replace it the moment it starts to pull or tug at your facial hairs.

Oily skin

If you have oily skin, you’re in luck when it comes to shaving, as it is usually the most resilient. The extra oil in your follicles should make shaving smoother and less likely to result in rashes and irritation. Higher-than-average production levels of sebum are the cause of oily skin.

Avoid the temptation to use skin-drying products such as alcohol-based shaving foams and balms. While you may think your skin looks greasy, trying to dry it out a little could actually stimulate the skin to produce even more sebum than usual. Also, don’t scrub or exfoliate your skin aggressively, as this could also lead to the overproduction of sebum.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin usually suffers from itching, burning and rashes as a result of external factors such as stress, sleep deprivation, the weather and a poor diet. If you suffer from sensitive skin, it’s important to follow a balanced, moderated approach to preparation, shaving and post-shave treatments.

Use warm water for shaving, rather than hot. Apply a moisturising shaving foam gently, and make sure your choice of foam relies on natural ingredients wherever possible. Also, consider using natural face washes and moisturisers first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It is important to remember that  your razor blade should be sharp and of the very highest quality.

Assess your skin type with a DNA test

A simple DNA test can ascertain what type of skin you have, as key variations in the two genes responsible for skin health can now be identified. A quick cheek saliva swab test can assess your skin on its ability to break down collagen and deliver antioxidant protection. Based on this genetic information, skin specialists can recommend very specific skincare products that work for you.

To celebrate the arrival of a healthier New Year, Dorco is offering you the chance to win a personalised skin serum based on your genetic information. The winner will undergo an in-store DNA test and lifestyle assessment at London’s Geneu. Laboratory scientists will then conduct a thorough examination before creating a personalised serum that will give you silky smooth skin after every shave. Hurry up! Competition closes on 31st January.

20171116_16. New Year Competition

How to Cleanly Shave a Thick Beard

That thick and luxurious beard you’ve been growing has finally reached its peak, and you’re now thinking about surprising everyone with an unexpected clean shave.

This is a scenario many bearded men toil with from time to time. While it’s great to have a thick face of hair, it’s always nice to keep things fresh. After all, they do say that a change is as good as a rest.

If you want to make the big switch from thick beard to clean-shaven, there are a few steps you will need to take in order to ensure the closest possible shave with minimal discomfort.

1. Trim first


Don’t make the mistake of diving straight into the process with the sharpest razor you can find. Not only will this take a long time, it will be painful and uncomfortable. Pulling at long hairs will ruin your razor blade and leave you screaming in pain, and there is a chance you’ll be left with a nasty rash afterwards. Instead, trim your beard down to stubble with a trimmer, and then reach for the razor.

2. Get your face ready


Jump in the shower or steam your face to soften the stubble as much as possible. Give your face a thorough clean, and look for any ingrown hairs that could cause you pain during your shave. Use exfoliating products to get your skin as smooth as possible, and finish off by rinsing with cold water.

3. Select a shaving gel

Choose a shaving gel that contains a moisturising agent. Use an unperfumed product in order to reduce the risk of breakouts afterwards. If you have sensitive or particularly dry skin, look for shaving gels instead of foams. Gels are glycerine-based, so they actually attract moisture to the skin.

Whatever you use, it’s important to ensure that all areas of your beard are covered. Pay particular attention to the area of your neck around your Adam’s apple — an area where a lot of shaving cuts occur.

4. Choose a quality razor


Most razor cuts are caused by blunt blades, so always choose a quality razor with a lubrication strip. Choosing a multiple-blade razor should reduce the number of strokes needed to remove hair — a good way of minimising irritation afterwards.

5. Shave with the grain


Although you’ll have trimmed your thick beard first, the stubble you’re shaving will probably still be relatively thick. It’s therefore important that you take your time. There will be a lot of hair in your razor after every stroke, so rinse the blades thoroughly with cold water each time. Always shave with the grain, and hold the skin taut with your hand to minimise the chances of irritation and cuts.

6. Moisturise


Even the best of blades and shaving foams can’t stop moisture being stripped from the face during a shave. So once you’re happy that your shave is complete, rinse your face and neck with cold water. Dab your skin dry with a towel, and apply a balm, moisturiser or aftershave (whichever you prefer) to rehydrate your face and minimise the chances of razor burn.

Following these simple steps should make the transition from bushy beard to clean-cut and chiselled smooth and pain-free.

3 Fitness Fads You Should Actually Follow in 2017

A lot of fitness fads come and go quickly because they don’t offer the results they promise. After a few months of trying to reach their goals, people get tired of the exercise routines. Naturally, they dispose of ineffective techniques.

These three fitness fads, however, are worth trying if you want to get in better shape in 2017. Learn more about each one, and decide which option is right for you.

Isometric Exercise


Isometric exercise requires very little movement. In fact, most of its benefits come from holding muscle contractions for half a minute or longer. Instead of lifting a weight over and over, you flex your muscle and hold it.

The simplicity of isometric exercise makes some people suspicious of it. But, research shows that isometric exercise builds strength faster than dynamic exercises such as lifting weights.

Don’t use isometric exercise if you’re trying to build speed. If you want to get stronger, though, it’s the perfect workout.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

A lot of exercisers assume they’ll get more benefits by spending more time at the gym. High-intensity interval training challenges that idea.

HIIT is the perfect workout for men and women with busy schedules. Instead of exercising for an hour or more, you do just 15 minutes of intense training. Some people even claim they can get results in as little as four minutes of exercise.

With HIIT, you work out incredibly hard for a short amount of time. For instance, you might run as fast as you can for 30 seconds. After the short burst of movement, you take a few seconds to catch your breath before jumping into the next exercise.

Researchers find that HIIT is one of the most effective ways to improve athletic performance, boost the metabolism and lose weight while gaining muscle.

Online Training


Hiring a personal trainer can help you stay motivated, but it also costs a lot of money. Choosing an online trainer or fitness class costs significantly less money while offering similar results.

Online training duplicates many of the experiences you would get with an in-person trainer. Some websites even give consultations with personal trainers and dietitians to help you reach your goals.

Membership sites tend to have better content, but you can start by perusing YouTube videos to get a feel for online training. If you like exercising at home, you should consider upgrading to a subscription service that updates its content daily. Diverse exercises will help you stay interested in your workout program.

It’s always a good idea to question the validity of fads. These three approaches to exercise, however, have proven that they’re worth trying.

Six Yoga Poses for a Healthy Back

Your back supports you throughout the day, helping with posture, lifting and more. However, it also takes quite a beating! According to the U.K. Statistics Authority, back pain cost the economy over one billion pounds in 2014 due to 4.2 million employees being unable to go to work. In order to keep your back healthy and strong, start your day right with some of these helpful yoga poses.

1. The Cobra Pose


In order to stretch and strengthen your lower back, try the cobra pose. Lying on your stomach with your legs outstretched, place your palms near your chest and gently push up so that your chest lifts away from the floor. Push your shoulders back and your ribs forward while maintaining your bent arms, and breathe.

2. The Upward Facing Dog Pose


This pose begins like the cobra, but takes it one step further. Instead of keeping your arms bent at the elbow, straighten them until your chest is tall and your pelvis lifts slightly away from the floor. Look straight ahead or upward slightly for an extra stretch.

3. The Cat and Cow Pose


To keep your back happy, try the cat and cow routine. On all fours, push your stomach down toward the floor and lift your head to look up (cow). Then, round your spine, pull your stomach up, and drop your head (cat). Repeat.

4. The Half Lord of Fishes Pose


A nice, gentle twist can work wonders on a tired back. To do the half lord of the fishes pose, sit with your knees bent up and feet flat on the floor. Drop your left knee down and slide the foot under your right leg to the right buttocks, then place your right foot over your left knee. Twist to the right with your left elbow on your right knee and breathe.

5. The Knees-to-Chest Pose


What this pose lacks in a fancy name, it makes up for in comfort. Lie on your back and hug your knees to your chest, arms on top of your legs. Gently rock right and left for a nice massage.

6. The Bridge Pose


Slightly more challenging, the bridge pose is great for your back. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and hip-width apart. Rest your arms flat at your sides and push your pelvis up, clasping your hands together underneath. Press your chin to your chest and hold.

8 New Year’s Resolutions for a Happier, Healthier You

Another New Year is once again just around the corner, and your thoughts may already be turning to the changes you want to make in your life. If you’re like most people, some of these thoughts will involve living a healthier lifestyle.

Whether you want to trim down that burgeoning waistline, look after your appearance a little more closely or get more exercise, this is a great time of year to make lasting changes to the way you live your life.

But beware, according to the University of Scranton, only 8% of people actually follow through on their New Year commitments, so the odds are already stacked against you. Around 45% of us will make at least one resolution this year, so millions of people around the world will already be headed for failure when the clock strikes 12.

To give you a head start, here are eight New Year’s resolutions for a happier, healthier you.

1. I will look after my skin more


Your skin is a living, breathing organ, and it needs looking after. If your skin is clean, exfoliated and fresh, the chances are you will look healthy. Invest in a facial wash, some moisturiser  and a few exfoliant products. If you’re a regular shaver, make sure you have a razor blade of the highest quality at all times. A daily wet shave is a great way to keep yourself looking clean and presentable, but it can take a heavy toll on your skin if you’re not prepared. As well as a decent blade, invest in a moisturising shaving cream, a good brush and a post-shave moisturising agent.

2. I will eat more often


Yes, you read that right! Research has shown that skipping meals and ‘saving’ calories for later can be counter-productive. Starving yourself tells the body that food could be scarce, so it goes into fat storing mode. Moreover, if you’re extra hungry at a meal time, you’re more likely to overeat and gorge on calorific foods. Keep your metabolism burning at all times by eating healthily every two or three hours — without exceeding your recommended daily calorie intake, of course.

3. I will get more sleep


According to an article in the Guardian, the National Sleep Foundation in America has concluded that the average adult needs a minimum of seven hours sleep every night. It is estimated that more than a third of adults don’t get the sleep their body needs. If you are one of those people, there are a few things you can do to improve the quality and amount of sleep you’re getting:

  • Exercise more
  • Set a regular bedtime
  • Get up at the same time every morning
  • Don’t lie in
  • Turn off all electrical appliances in your bedroom.
  • Hang blackout curtains to minimise the amount of light in your bedroom
  • Don’t eat within three hours of your bedtime
  • Don’t consume alcohol or caffeine within three hours of your bedtime
  • Use an electronic sleeping monitor to find out when during the night you’re waking up

4. I will get the exercise my body needs


According to the NHS, the average adult needs a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week. This is only two and a half hours, so it should be achievable for even the busiest of people. You don’t need to run yourself into the ground to get what you need; brisk walks, energetic bike rides and rigorous swims will all suffice. Make sure you give your legs, arms, back, abdomen, hips, chest and shoulders a good workout at least once a week to keep your body strong and conditioned.

5. I will cook from scratch more


The levels of fat and sugar in many of our favourite processed foods are often very alarming. The NHS recommends that the average adult consumes no more than 30g of sugar per day. However, a humble tin of tomato soup can contain as much as 8g of processed sugar in a single serving — almost a third of an adult’s daily allowance.

But by making your own tomato soup from scratch, you can limit the sugar content to only the natural sugars found in the tomatoes you use. Try to eat your own home-cooked food for dinner at least three times a week, and you should notice a big difference in your weight and general well-being.

6. I will drink enough water


You may have read that we should all be drinking around eight cups of water per day. However, the truth is that things are far more complex than that. How much water you need depends on your activity levels, your diet and a range of other issues.

Drink water slowly throughout the day; this will keep you hydrated, which will enhance your energy levels and digestion.

7. I will monitor my health regularly


It’s always a good idea to keep track of your own health regularly. While you don’t need to visit a doctor once a month for a general check-up, there are things you should be doing at home. While there are checks you can perform yourself, you should always seek advice from medical professionals first. People aged between 40 and 74 are entitled to a free NHS health check. This ‘health MOT’ looks for the early warning signs of heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.

But you can perform a few basic health checks yourself at home. Check your skin and face at least once a week for changes. Look for new spots, moles and freckles every day, and seek advice from a doctor if you notice anything changing. If you can, ask a partner or close family member to check for you.

You can also monitor your weight, heart rate, cholesterol, fitness levels and blood pressure with various mobile apps and gadgets. And if you’re in search of some great ideas to help you achieve your health-related New Year’s resolutions, there are plenty to choose from.

Finis Neptune – This ingenious music system conducts sound waves through the cheek bones and into the middle ear, so you can wear them whilst swimming. The user is given updates on performance levels throughout.

Sportiiiis – This clever gadget fits snugly to almost any pair of glasses. It projects the user’s workout data, so it can be read directly from the lens.

Lab on a Chip – Users can take their own cholesterol levels with a test strip reader that feeds accurate data directly to an accompanying mobile app.

Fitbit Aria Smart Scale – This digital scale connects to Wi-Fi and is capable of communicating with a range of different fitness apps. The Fitbit Aria not only records weight data, it also measures and records body fat and Body Mass Index (BMI).

Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor – This highly accurate home blood pressure monitor sends data directly to a mobile app via Bluetooth. The user is then given advice and comparative data on healthy blood pressure levels from the World Health Organisation.

8. I will deal with stress more effectively


While everyone has to deal with stress at some point, how you react to it can dictate the damage it does. Look for your own, personal stress-buster. For you, it might be something simple like a walk or a workout at the gym. Yoga and Pilates are also known to help people cope with stress. Find what works for you, and schedule it into your life. If your stress persists, ask a doctor for advice.

By making these lifestyle changes from the moment the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s Eve, you should be able to look forward to a happier, healthier you.


Make big savings this month with BOGOF on all Dorco razor products until 31st Jan –
Great value straight to your doorstep

A New Year provides a chance to shake things up and make 2017 your best yet! Whether it’s starting a new well-being regime or saving up for something big – let this be the year you focus on making more ‘me’ time. From taking time to soak in the tub, giving your legs some TLC post work-out or getting your hair glam ahead of a new job interview – Dorco has some tips to help you get off to the right start.

  • 1. Make a 12 month plan so you can set out all your goals. Set aside time every week to enjoy some ‘me’ time. Why not treat yourself to a pedi post leg shave so they are a picture of perfection?
  • 2. Embrace a new look. Try a different hair style or nail colour – see in the New Year with a fresh look and attitude!
  • 3. Invest in things that save you time and money so you can focus on getting that new job or zipping into shape. Give the Eve 6 a try with its Vitamin E moisturisation band, ensuring super smooth pins for days. With the current BOGOF Jan offer from Dorco – make sure you stock up!
  • 4. Keep a good sleep routine. Sleep is essential to looking and feeling good. Start your bedtime an hour or two before you want to sleep, so you begin to unwind. Try having a warm bath and a cup of camomile to feel uber relaxed.


The Dorco Eve 6 razor for women, from £5.45*, promises some of the best razor technology around.  With an incredible 6 blades split into a unique double 3-blade format to contour to your body shape, say goodbye to annoying cuts or nicks on those hard-to-shave places like kneecaps.

Not only do Dorco offer exceptional value including free delivery and a free handle with every subscription plan, the shaving pros also bring over 60 years of expertise – so you can focus on achieving all your New Year milestones.

Order from Dorco UK’s online shop at www.razorsbydorco.co.uk as a one-off purchase, or be your most organised self in 2017 by arranging delivery to your new door via the flexible online subscription service.

– ENDS –


*Current offer price on razorsbydorco.co.uk

About Dorco EVE 6

  • A double 3-blade format with bendable cartridge follows body contours for the perfect shave
  • Innovative brush finger for body massage and raising hair for a closer shave
  • Moisturising band with Aloe, Vitamin E and Lavender calms and protects even the most sensitive skin
  • Multi-flex pivoting head for every contour of your body
  • Non-slip ergonomic rubber handle to provide excellent control
  • Moisturising band containing:


Vitamin E: Anti-aging and anti-oxidant benefits Moisturizes for more vibrant skin

Aloe Vera: Moisturises and soothes sensitive skin, calms allergies and skin irritation

Lavender Extract: Rejuvenates collagen to reveal younger looking skin, relieves any possible skin irritation



DORCO is an expert in razor innovation, providing millions of customers in over 130 countries worldwide with premium shaving products.

Razors by DORCO is proud to introduce its shaving innovation to the UK market, including an ultra-sharp six-blade shaving system, as well as DORCO’s innovative and patented common docking system.

With over 60 years of expertise in offering advanced blade technology, DORCO offers a flexible subscription service on their superior quality razors and replacement blades.

For more information please contact:
Rupert Esdaile – REsdaile@golin.com/020 7067 0288
Sara Hailan – shailan@golin.com/ 020 7067 0784
Laura Sharkey – lsharkey@golin.com


Make big savings this month with BOGOF on all Dorco razor products until 31st Jan –

Great value straight to your doorstep

A New Year provides a chance to shake things up and make 2017 your best yet! Whether it’s starting a new well-being regime or saving up for something big, let this be the year you focus on making more ‘me’ time. From taking time to catch up with mates, giving your muscles some TLC post work-out or getting that beard trimmed ahead of a new job interview – Dorco has some tips to help you get off to the right start.

  • 1. Make a 12 month plan so you can set out all your goals. Set aside time every week to enjoy some ‘me’ time. Why not treat yourself to a pedi post leg shave so they are a picture of perfection?
  • 2. Embrace a new look. Try a different hair style or nail colour – see in the New Year with a fresh look and attitude!
  • 3. Invest in things that save you time and money so you can focus on getting that new job or zipping into shape. Give the Eve 6 a try with its Vitamin E moisturisation band, ensuring super smooth pins for days. With the current BOGOF Jan offer from Dorco – make sure you stock up!
  • 4. Keep a good sleep routine. Sleep is essential to looking and feeling good. Start your bedtime an hour or two before you want to sleep, so you begin to unwind. Try having a warm bath and a cup of camomile to feel uber relaxed.


With six ultra-sharp diamond, hard-coated blades, the Dorco Pace 6 Plus, from £5.95*, offers a world-class shaving experience with enhanced durability. For those of you who want a hassle-free shave, the Pace 6 Plus also has an ergonomically designed for secure grip and a vitamin infused moisturising strip to leave your face feeling smooth and great to touch.

What’s more, with the Dorco Pace 6 Plus trimmer blade, you can quickly neaten up your sideburns and beard if you want to remain shabby chic. Or for a deeper shave, the wide guard bar will perfectly prep hairs.

Order from Dorco UK’s online shop at www.razorsbydorco.co.uk as a one-off purchase, or be your most organised self in 2017 by arranging delivery to your new door via the flexible online subscription service.

– ENDS –


*Current offer price on razorsbydorco.co.uk

About Dorco EVE 6

  • Six-blade system razor
  • Wide guard bar to prep hair
  • Trimmer blade
  • Pivoting head for flexibility
  • Dermatologically tested moisturising strip with Vitamin E
  • Non-slip rubber handle
  • Seamless construction with angled blades
  • Open blade architecture for ultimate “rinse-ability”
  • Includes two 6-blade replacement cartridges
  • Sleek grey and lime green design



DORCO is an expert in razor innovation, providing millions of customers in over 130 countries worldwide with premium shaving products.

Razors by DORCO is proud to introduce its shaving innovation to the UK market, including an ultra-sharp six-blade shaving system, as well as DORCO’s innovative and patented common docking system.

With over 60 years of expertise in offering advanced blade technology, DORCO offers a flexible subscription service on their superior quality razors and replacement blades.

For more information please contact:
Rupert Esdaile – REsdaile@golin.com/020 7067 0288
Sara Hailan – shailan@golin.com/ 020 7067 0784
Laura Sharkey – lsharkey@golin.com