It’s Time to Give Your Wardrobe a Spring Cleanout

There’s nothing quite like a spring clean to help you declutter your life and your mind. Kitchen cupboards, cupboards under the stairs, and drawers under the bed are easy to tackle and clear out. And it’s so satisfying too. But if there’s one place us ladies fear to tread, it’s our wardrobe.

It’s a sacred place, where garments are infused with confidence-boosting superpowers, memories of occasions gone by, and memories yet to be. And since we can’t all be Carrie Bradshaw, chances are it often exists in a state of overflowing disarray too. So with the summer’s balmy leg-bearing weather right around the corner, it’s high time we decluttered, reorganised, and readied ourselves for that summer wardrobe. Here are our tips for doing it properly.

Take an inventory

It’s amazing what happens when you take absolutely everything out of your wardrobe and arrange it neatly on your bed. You’ll find things you’ve never worn, things that are too worn, and things that you never knew you had. The first step to decluttering is knowing what you need and what you have – and making it match.

The Six-Month Rule

A lot of fashionistas will tell you that if you haven’t worn something for six months, then it’s time to ditch it.  We’re not sure that’s always a good idea. Instead of just having the traditional ‘Keep’ and ‘Throw’ piles, we suggest introducing a third pile: ‘The seasonal storage pile’. There are plenty of things you won’t be wearing in the next six months, that you’ll most certainly want when chilly old January comes around. So get those must-have winter pieces folded and stored away in a plastic box or vacuum pack, and keep them separate from your in-season wardrobe.

Know When to Throw

‘BE RUTHLESS’ is another line thrown around by savvy style gurus. We suggest being ruthless, but not reckless. If you find yourself holding an item longingly, unsure of its fate, then ask yourself these questions:

  • Would I ever, really wear this again? And when?
  • Does it fit?
  • If it doesn’t fit, am I on my way to being a size where it will fit?
  • Is the damage that keeps me from wearing it repairable?
  • Can I turn it into something else?

If you answered no to most of these, then you should probably bid it farewell. We know, we know: it’s emotional.

Do it in One

If you’re a dedicated fashionista, then it can be pretty difficult to get into the swing of things. Dedicate an entire afternoon to your mission, so you can keep up your momentum and chuck away (or donate) all the things from your throw pile, lest they sneak their way back into your wardrobe overnight.

Get Organised

When you know what you’re keeping, storing, throwing or donating, it’s time to reorganise your wardrobe from scratch. The internet is full of videos about clever organisation tips and tricks. When everything’s in its new place and order is restored, sit back and admire the stylish serenity.

Buy Less, Choose Well

When rejuvenating your summer wardrobe, make a ‘need’ list rather than a wish list. Try to curb your impulses and pick out key pieces that you not only need and like, but really love. Make sure they’re high quality too. It’s better to have one fabulous maxi dress that you can bust out again and again, then ten cheap ones which will inevitably fall apart.

Prepare your legs!

This is what it’s all about. Now the short shorts and floaty skirts are ready to wear, you’ll want to make sure your legs are in silky smooth condition to show them off. Of all the ladies razors out there, we recommend our very own women’s razor, the Dorco EVE 6. Not only does it feature a multi-flex pivoting head to help glide along your contours, it also features a lubricating strip lovingly infused with soothing calendula extract and argan oil. Last but not least, remember to slather on that SPF before taking your new legs – and your new summery ensemble – out on the town to celebrate.

5 Things You Should Probably Get Around to This Bank Holiday

Ahh, bank holidays. There’s nothing like a three-day weekend for a little well-earned R&R. And with two this month, you’ll have plenty of time to crack open a few beers, fire up the BBQ, and enjoy the sunshine. Of course, you could be a little more productive. Need some ideas? From DIY to personal grooming, we’ve got you covered.

Build flatpack furniture

Remember that bookcase you bought four months ago that has been intimidatingly packaged in more than one box? It’s time to take it on. Bank holidays provide the perfect opportunity to fix stuff and build stuff. Remember, you don’t get any extra points for building it without following the instructions, even if it feels like you do.

Dust-off the BBQ

If you want to man the meat this summer, then it’s high time you got that BBQ ready. Chances are it looks a little grimy after months of storage, so it’s time to return it to its former glory and evict the colony of spiders that have taken up residence inside.

Work out

Why we don’t condone leaping into a hardcore workout routine if you’re not used to it, it doesn’t hurt to ease a little exercise into your life with Speedo season on the way. A few press-ups, sit-ups or a run around the block can work wonders for your health, as can lifting a few weights. Children, small dogs and a 6-pack of beer can all work if you don’t own dumbbells.

Garden Work

Is your back garden starting to resemble an turning into a jungle? Then it’s time to reacquaint yourself with the lawnmower, the garden shears, and all those other funny-looking pieces of equipment you have been gifted from your family. Remember your SPF.

Go Manscaping

And finally. A little spring manscaping never goes amiss. So treat yourself to a shiny new face shaver like the Dorco PACE 6 Plus, which features 6 blades, a nifty pivoting head, and a lubricating strip coated in soothing calendula extract and argan oil. Best of all, it works just as well as a body hair razor too if you’re wanting to show off those pecs.

Men’s grooming five moustache styles to try this summer

Men’s grooming: five moustache styles to try this summer

So you’ve decided to try a moustache? Nice choice!

This year, the moustache is back in demand, shaking its reputation from recent years as the preserve of the ‘Movember’ campaign in November.

We’ve listed five popular moustache styles below, which one will you try?

ONE – The handlebar

The handlebar is an iconic style that’s as classic as they come.

It was a feature on the faces of fashionable men as far back as the 17th Century, immortalised by King Charles I, in a portrait by Sir Anthony Van Dyk. The BBC says his moustache was then ‘copied by every man of fashion’ when the portraits went on display.

If you do decide to give this style a try, it will require a little patience. Doug Geiger from Can You Handlebar advises that a handlebar moustache will take about three months to grow, and to avoid trimming it along the way.

TWO – The Chevron

A style that personifies the 80s, the chevron still conjures up images of Tom Selleck in his starring role in Magnum P.I.

The acclaimed recent movie about the rock band Queen and its legendary moustache-sporting frontman Freddie Mercury perhaps gives us one reason why this style has increased in popularity in 2019.

A chevron is a no-brainer; it works well with most face shapes, and it’s easy to grow. Just let the hair grow above your top lip without trimming, and clean shave the rest of your face. Eventually, trim the hairs to stop them from covering your lips and mouth.

THREE – The combo

Combining your moustache with some chin hair or a soul patch can have very effective results. From the goatee to the van dyke, there are plenty of options.

Lee Kynaston from Fashion Beans says the goatee ‘has long been the facial hair choice for rock stars, intellectuals and those with a wayward, rebellious streak’, with famous recent wearers including Idris Elba and Robert Downey Jr.

It’s also an ideal choice for those who may struggle to grow a full beard.

FOUR – The pencil

A sophisticated and subtle style achieved by shaving all but a thin line above the lip. This style has been associated with artists and intellectuals throughout history, from Lord Byron to Little Richard.

It may be a good idea to start with a full moustache and work your way back with trimming scissors to achieve the shape you want. That way, you have full control of the outcome and can factor in any individual quirks in how your facial hair grows.

FIVE – Weighted

Also known as the ‘beardstache’, this is a hybrid of the moustache and the beard. The moustache is grown thick and full, similar to a chevron, with the rest of the face sporting stubble.

There a couple of easy ways to achieve this look. If you are currently sporting a full beard, you can simply leave the hair above the lip as it is and trim the rest down. If, however, you are clean shaven, you’ll need to let the hair on the top lip grow while regularly trimming down the hair on the rest of the face.

It’s a rugged style being worn by a host of big names this year, including Superman star Henry Cavill and Tom Hardy.

Enjoy total control when you shape your moustache

After putting all that effort in to pick the perfect style, you can’t afford to spoil it – that means using the right tools to get the job done.

The Dorco PACE range has something for everybody, featuring a non-slip handle and up to seven precision blades. Also, by utilising the special on-board trimmer, you’ll have the ability to craft any kind of moustache you like with ease.

To help you find the style that’s perfect for your face, read our guide which helps you match your face shape to a facial hair style here.

Person wearing trainers running up steps

How to start running (safely!)

It seems straightforward – just go outside and start running, right?

Well, not exactly.

A lot of things can get in the way, whether it’s work commitments, family, other plans, or simply not having the time or energy.

However, running releases endorphins to make you feel great, can relieve stress and make you feel physically stronger.

So how do you get over the hump, and get into a regular pattern of running? These running tips for beginners are a great place to start. 

STEP ONE – Mind over matter

Sometimes you may not have enough time, or feel in the right head space, to go out running.

Don’t be afraid to seek a little outside help to find the motivation you need. By finding a running buddy, joining a running club, or signing up to group events, such as Parkrun UK, you can encourage each other to keep making the effort.

There is also a variety of running based media available which can help give you a great boost. The Couch to 5K (C25K) programme, is a popular way to get from the sofa to running 5k in a matter of weeks, with a manageable programme that gradually raises your fitness level.

STEP TWO – Get the right footwear

Running shoes provide vital cushioning and support for your feet, helping to prevent injuries and boost your athletic performance at the same time.

However, with so many types available, it’s easy to see why someone might feel overwhelmed and end up with the wrong choice.

Clifton Bradeley, a specialist musculoskeletal sports podiatrist and advisor to sports brand ASICS, says: “Buying the wrong running shoes can leave you injured and unprotected and by the time you have found the correct ones you may have wasted money too.”

To help make your choice more informed, try visiting a specialist running store. The staff will often help you choose a pair while analysing your foot size and shape, and your running gait, to determine the perfect pair of running shoes for you.

STEP THREE – Where to run

It’s a good idea to plan your route. That way, not only can you run in a location that’s pleasing to the eye, you also know how far you are running, which is a good way to map progress over time and to avoid overdoing it. Apps, such as MapMyRun, will generate a route for you, while tracking statistics such as your pace and stride length. 

Try to think about the surface you run on. Concrete is a common choice, given that many people live in cities and have few alternatives. However, it’s one of the hardest surfaces you can run on can put strain on your joints and muscles.

STEP FOUR – Pace yourself

If you push yourself too hard at the start, you are most likely going to get injured and put yourself off running longer-term.

Running coach and exercise physiologist Janet Hamilton tells Runners World: “You have to start where you are, not where you think you should be. If you go further or faster than you’re ready for, your body can’t adapt quickly enough and you’ll get injured.”

Think of it like driving a car. You can’t just go straight into top gear; you have to work your way up, one at a time.

STEP FIVE – Take time to recover

The steps you take post run are essential to ensure that running stays fun in the long-term, and to prevent injuries.

It’s important to stretch immediately after you run as this will help you to cool down gradually and increase your flexibility.

The NHS says you should aim to stretch to the point of feeling tightness or slight discomfort. They add: “You shouldn’t feel any pain when doing these exercises. If you do, stop and seek medical advice.” Follow their full stretching advice here.

You should also think about leaving enough time between runs to let your body rest and become stronger. For beginners, experts recommend aiming for a maximum of 3 to 4 runs per week.

High-precision to achieve sporting perfection

Whether you’re a full-time runner, regular amateur enthusiast, or a first-timer, we have the shaving tools for your sporting needs.

Our range of razors featuring advanced blade technology will give you a smooth shave every time.

spring activities

Step into spring with these 5 key hiking tips

With milder weather on its way, you might be considering trying out some new spring activities. A great option is getting out for a hike in the UK’s beautiful landscapes. It’s free, good for your health and, most importantly, fun.

But where do you begin? Get yourself started with our tips below.

STEP ONE – Find a walking buddy

While hiking alone can give you the experience of total freedom outdoors, finding a walking buddy is a great option for hiking novices.

You can offer each other encouragement, work together to avoid getting lost, and help each other if one of you gets an injury.

Hiking clubs and meet-ups are a great way to meet new people and can help to share things like travel costs to particular hiking routes.

STEP TWO – Wear the right clothing

Make sure your attire is durable and protects you from the elements, keeping your body at the right temperature. It should also be light and comfortable enough to move around in.

And, of course, proper footwear is a must. Sarah Bennett and Lee Slater, writing for Lonely Planet, say: ‘There is no substitute for high-quality hiking boots, which provide grip, support the ankles, and take the knocks…Pay particular attention to the sole: there should be a clearly defined heel, and a knobbly tread fashioned from high quality rubber.’

Also make sure you have a reliable bag, a hat appropriate for the conditions, and a waterproof jacket for that famous UK wet weather.

STEP THREE – Choose a destination, but start small

There are so many hiking locations across the UK, ranging from popular introductory walking routes, such as Roseberry Topping in the North York Moors – which is recommended for beginners by the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) – right up to Britain’s highest mountain, Ben Nevis.

An introductory hike that’s close to home is a perfect starting point.

Chris Townsend, an expert in long-distance backpacking, says: “Start out with short trips and be prepared to make them even shorter if they seem tough. Aiming for high mileages or lots of summits on your first trip could lead to disillusionment.”

How about getting started with a luxury break? We’re giving away the ultimate two-night getaway to the New Forest in Hampshire, with a room for two in a 4-star country house hotel, cocktails, breakfast, and some money towards travel costs! It’s FREE to enter, which must be done by 12th April.

To enter the competition, click here.

STEP FOUR – Be prepared

With hiking, it’s important to be prepared for any eventuality.

Every place has its own risks, so try to read up on each location before you go. Even if it’s a beginner’s hike where there are a lot of trail markings to guide people, you should try to plan a route. It’s a good habit to get into and will keep you safe.

Remember to prepare other hiking essentials, such as a first aid kit and a torch. Meanwhile, always pack plenty of water and snacks to keep you going. 

Snacks should be easy to store, hard to damage, and give out a high amount of energy.

Items like fruit, nuts and energy bars are perfect examples.

STEP FIVE – Respect the land

As your relationship with the great outdoors blossoms, it’s important to learn how to respect the landscape, and others around you.

The countryside code, produced by Natural England, is a great place to start and gives advice on how to do just that. It is based around three key principles:

  • Respect other people – including the local community and others enjoying the outdoors, leave gates and property as you find them and follow paths unless wider access is available
  • Protect the natural environment – leave no trace of your visit, take your litter home, and keep dogs under control
  • Enjoy the outdoors – plan ahead, be prepared, and follow local signs and advice.

Most important of all, enjoy it! Hiking is a great pastime that has so many health benefits, from being a powerful cardio workout, to improving your balance.

As long as you prepare, respect your surroundings, and don’t overdo it, you are sure to have a wonderful time in the beautiful outdoors.

how to shave neck stubble

How to shave neck stubble with style

With beards back at the height of fashion, those blessed with the ability to grow one are grabbing the opportunity with both hands.But to truly master the art, one must also know the rules around how to shave neck stubble that can make the difference between an epic beard and a big mess.

A neck shave can feel like a pretty daunting prospect, whether it’s to accompany a full beard or a clean-shaven face.

However, when you follow the five simple steps below, it’s actually pretty easy.

STEP ONE – Figure out how far up the neck to shave

How far up your neck to shave will vary from person to person, and will also depend on the style you want.

If you are growing out a beard and want to keep it looking sharp, here is a handy tip. Find your Adam’s apple, and hold two fingers horizontally above it. The top of your fingers should give you a rough position for your neckline – it should end up being roughly half way between the Adam’s apple and your jaw line.

Then follow that line round with a slight upward curve to get the line for the whole neck.

STEP TWO – It’s time to trim down

Now that you’ve established your neckline, you know that everything below that is going to be shaved off. So trim that area down with scissors or clippers, taking added care as the neck is a sensitive area, while following the line you have figured out in step one.

Try to trim it down as much as you can – the shorter the hairs, the easier it will be to wet shave as there is less hair in the way.

STEP THREE – Wet shave the neck area

Treat a neck shave the same as shaving your face.

Soften the hairs by using hot water and apply a generous helping of your Dorco Shave Gel to soothe the neck, which will be ideal as it’s designed for sensitive skin with natural ingredients such as hydrating aloe vera, glycerin and betaine. This will aid the gliding of the razor and protect against irritation.

STEP FOUR – Go slow and use a razor you can trust

It’s more awkward to shave neck stubble than the equivalent on your face and chin. The neck area is more curved and the skin is looser.

With that in mind, it’s vital to go slow, keep lathering up to avoid shaving over dry areas, and stay focused. Try not to tilt your head too far back when reaching the more difficult hairs. This can expose more sensitive parts of the skin, leading to cuts and irritation. Instead, tilt the head only slightly and use slow, short strokes.

A premium razor like those from the Dorco range are packed with technology to help make your task easier, for example a pivoting head and a non-slip handle to give you total control. We combine science and expertise to ensure that our razors deliver a smooth and comfortable neck shave every time.

Narrower spaces between blades due to our Micro Span technology result in less skin penetrating through so you can enjoy a safe shave with less skin irritation.

STEP FIVE – Aftercare 

This is an important stage for everybody, but particularly those with sensitive skin.

Rinse your neck with cold water while applying a moisturising balm, which will help to prevent irritation after shaving.

And that’s it! Now you can proudly show off the lovely neckline that adds the perfect balance to your beard.

To round things up:

  1. Figure out your neckline based on your beard style and shape
  2. Trim down the area you plan to shave, leaving the rest
  3. Lather up below the neckline with hot water and shave gel
  4. Shave slowly with your razor, using short strokes
  5. Rinse with cold water and apply a moisturizing balm to soothe the skin  

Found our shaving tips useful? Get in touch to let us know, or if you need help with anything.

The 6 emotional stages you go through when you haven’t shaved your legs in a while

Let’s be frank ladies: when we’re single and living in our non-leg baring winter wardrobe, we can all slack on the leg shaving. Whether you see it as a disgrace or something you embrace, spring and summer are on their way, and it’s high time we get our pins back to a showy standard. Of course, you have to traverse a bit of an emotional obstacle course first.


Hair styling, make-up, nails, hair removal. The list goes on and on. When you’re a woman it can feel like you’ve got a side-line as your own personal beauty therapist – and the worst part is you’re not even getting paid for all those hours you put in.


We can all procrastinate, and if a task is out of sight, it’s easily out of mind too. Remember that week when you said you’d get back on the shaving wagon? Well that was two hirsute months ago. It’s time to ignore the little devil on your shoulder that’s telling you to rock the au natural look – unless that’s your vibe of course.


So you’ve run a bath, lit some candles, and you’re wielding the Dorco EVE 6 razor like a warrior queen. You’re ready for summer legs, and nothing is going to stop you – not even a Real Housewives reunion show.


You’ve started shaving and instantly regret all those months you neglected your legs. You won’t leave it that long again. Well, not until next year anyway. Thank goodness you’ve picked a Dorco EVE 6 as your weapon of choice. Featuring superior blade technology, a pivoting head, and a lubricating strip packed with calendula extract and argan oil, you’ll be well armed.


Your skin is a battlefield, hair is your enemy, and the Dorco EVE 6 is your sword. Leave none alive! The battle is almost won, and you can see your hair-free future on the horizon. This is an emotional, blockbuster moment. Embrace it.

Silky satisfaction 

You’ve done what you set out to do. You’ve transformed yourself in to a silky-smooth goddess. You no longer walk, you glide. The next chapter of your life can begin, and nothing will stand in the way of you and your beautiful smooth legs. Butter them up with your favourite lotion and get that summer frock on!

Easter Legs – Achieving Perfect Pins for SS19

It’s spring! The sun’s coming back out, fashion stores are stocking leg-bearing arms, and it won’t be long before we’re going on holiday, enjoying BBQs, and basking in the balmy weather with a cocktail or two. If you’ve neglected your leg-shaving this winter, then you’re certainly not the only one.

But with summer rapidly approaching, it’s probably high time we got back into the swing of things. While we all know the importance of regularly replacing your razor blade, here’s some little-known shaving tips for getting your legs on fleek – and they might just surprise you.

Give your legs a drink

It goes without saying that you should never dry shave anything, anywhere. But did you know you shouldn’t start shaving the moment you step in the shower either? Hair reaches its optimum condition for shaving after three minutes of bathing or showering. So it’s good practice to have a bit of a soak before getting to work with your razor. This is because well-soaked hair is around 60% easier to cut, making for a quicker, easier shave.

Smooth things over

If you’ve got sensitive skin, exfoliating in-between shaves (as opposed to immediately before) can really help you achieve a perfect, irritation-free result. Exfoliating removes dead cells, cleans up the follicle and smooths the surface of your skin, helping your razor work more effectively and lessening the chance of razor burn and ingrown hairs. So include it in your weekly pampering sessions.

No pressure

Pressing your razor hard into your skin doesn’t equal a closer shave: it usually equals more irritation instead. For best results, use plenty of lubrication and let your razor glide over your skin. If it snags, then you probably need to replace your razor blade, or use a little more shaving gel. The pressure you use should be equal to stroking a small kitten – gently does it!

Know your knees

There are few places as awkward to shave than the knees (well, for us ladies anyway). How can deal with this tricky bit of your body? By bending your knee. That way the skin becomes taut, allowing you to glide over it nice and slowly.

The right gear

We’re all guilty of substituting other bathroom products for shaving gel: shampoo, soap, and maybe even one or two kitchen products when times are tough. But for a perfect, 5-star shave, you need to use the right gear. A proper razor, such as the Dorco Eve 6, is essential. As is a proper shaving gel. Take a look at our very own Dorco Shave Gel. As well as being the perfect pairing for our blades, it’s packed with hydrating aloe vera, glycerin and betaine, and smells absolutely delightful too.

Post-shave pamper

Many of us are guilty of the ‘rinse and go’ technique, especially if we’re shaving in a rush. For best results though, it’s important to give your legs a bit of a post-shave pampering sesh. Rinse them with cold water to close your pores, then butter them up with your favourite moisturising lotion to replenish the skin and avoid any dryness. If you have particularly sensitive skin, it’s also a good idea to let your legs breathe and settle down for a while, so they’re not irritated by jeans or leggings.

And that’s it. Now’s the time to chuck your tights and get ready to (Easter) parade your legs!

shaving chest hair

Shaving chest hair like a pro in 5 very simple steps

Shaving chest hair isn’t as uncommon as you might think. In fact, research by Mintel says that as many as 30% of all UK men have removed hair from their chests. So, if you’re considering it, you’re not alone. 

There are many reasons why you might choose to shave your chest hair. To highlight tattoos, to boost performance as a swimmer, or perhaps it’s simply the preference of you or your partner. 

If you decide to try it, then we’ve got your back (and chest!). Read the five simple steps below to enjoy a seamless chest shave from the first attempt.


Just as you would when shaving off a large beard, make sure you use scissors or clippers to trim down your chest hair before you even consider picking up your razor.

Not only can this save time, trimming excess hair will help achieve the smoothest shave possible.


The hot water will help to soften the chest hairs, making them less wiry and easier to shave, and helping to reduce irritation.

Also, it will make things easier when you get to the end and need to rinse off (see step 5).


Apply a generous amount of shave gel to the chest area to help your razor glide more smoothly over the chest and reduce irritation. 

Make sure you pick a shave gel that is suitable for body shaving. Dorco Shave gel offers a great solution as it contains natural ingredients, such as aloe vera, glycerin and betaine, which work together to protect sensitive skin and prevent dryness. Meanwhile, the clear, non-foaming formula helps you see the area you’re shaving, and makes cleaning up quick and easy – perfect for this job.


Remember that it’s not a race – the slower you go and the more care you take, the kinder it will be to your skin and you boost your chances of coming away at the end with great results. 

Taylah Brewer from The TrendSpotter recommends rinsing blades of hair and shave gel after each stroke. Luckily, Dorco razors feature an intuitive design – our Micro Span technology –  so your razor and refill cartridges are easy to clean and rinse, maintaining effectiveness to the very end.

Also, try to repeat step three as often as necessary. The shower will rinse the lather, so keep reapplying if the area you are shaving is lather-free.


Step five is a culmination of three key mini-steps – rinse, dry and moisturise.

You have a head start already by the fact you have opted to shave your chest hair in the shower. Let the shower rinse off any excess shave gel from your chest, and from your razor. Then get out and dry off as normal, but be gentle on the chest area. 

Finally, just as you would when shaving your face, make sure you apply some moisturiser to the shaved area to help soothe the freshly shaved skin and avoid rashes or irritation.

To summarise:

  1. Trim it down so you don’t clog your razor
  2. Have a shower to soften the chest hairs
  3. Lather up with Dorco Shave Gel
  4. Shave slowly and carefully (reapply the shave gel throughout)
  5. Rinse, dry, moisturise

So, if you’re thinking about shaving your chest, make sure to follow these five simple steps for a great shaving experience and amazing results.

Should I shave my beard for an interview?

Should I shave my beard for an interview?

Back in 2012, Steve Tobak wrote in an article for CBS: “Want a great job? Then shave.” However, a lot has happened in the facial hair universe since 2012, with the popularity of beards skyrocketing among men of all ages and professions. 

With that in mind, how important is shaving for work today? And will not shaving hinder your career opportunities?

Jim Edwards of Business Insider, still lists forgetting to shave as a notable pre-interview mistake. However, he also advises: “If you’re rocking facial hair, make sure it is impeccably groomed” – perhaps a sign that workplace attitudes towards shaving are beginning to soften.

Use the company’s culture as a guide

A survey by Deloitte says 52% of millennials consider workplace culture to be very important when finding a new job, with value placed on diverse and flexible organisations. 

This means that companies are having to work harder on their culture to attract the right talent. If you’re a great fit for the job, a lot of interviewers will be happy to have you aboard, whatever you choose to do with your facial hair.

However, this doesn’t mean that all employers are equally open-minded about facial hair. Professional recruitment specialists HRC Recruitment say that facial hair should be “avoided altogether,” adding that a “fresh shave look inspires the most professionalism.”

Despite this view, even the strictest employers can often make exceptions. In the British Army, where protocol is to be clean-shaven when dressing in Army uniform, commanding officers can grant written permission allowing facial hair.

Do some research and trust your judgement

One thing you can do is browse a company’s website and social channels. Rip Bains from Lovely Beards recommends “[running] a quick search for the company name on LinkedIn and [doing] a quick scan of their current employees’ photos. See any beards? If so, you’re probably good to keep yours, too.”

While most companies probably won’t expect employees to shave, even for those that do, there is likely to be leeway if you choose not to shave for a specific reason. Don’t be afraid to open dialogue with the company inviting you for interview – they may respect the fact you raised the subject in a professional manner. 

At the end of the day, it’s your choice. Niall Sullivan of Blades Magazine believes suitability for the role should take priority: “As long as you prove that you’re the best candidate for the job, what does it matter whether you have facial hair or not?”

A boost in confidence

Regardless of the employer’s stance, shaving might give you a much-needed boost. Interviews can be nerve-wracking, no matter how experienced you are. Looking your sharpest could be just what you need to stride into the interview with confidence.

If you do decide to shave before an interview, we’ve got everything you need. Our range of razors, refill cartridges and Shave Gel will help you Get Closer to your smartest shave yet.