Do Women Find Men With Beards More Attractive?

Each and every day, women come face to face with all manner of facial hair showcased on their male counterparts. Exhibiting a variety of styles and lengths, the beard can take on many forms, from the subtle goatee to the trendy lumberjack hipster beard, from the classic refined look to something reminiscent of a wizard’s unkempt mane. While some men are happy to grow a beard that they feel best suits themselves, others do so in order to appear more attractive to women. However, although survey results show that most women find bearded men more attractive, this doesn’t necessarily mean men should let their beards go feral.


Do Women Find Men With Beards More Attractive?

According to a new study, men and women participants consistently rated faces with facial hair more attractive. “When shown men’s faces, men and women study participants consistently rated the faces with beards or stubble as more attractive than clean-shaven faces. But beards were most alluring when facial hair was rare, whereas clean-shaven faces gained in popularity when hairy faces were the norm,” the researchers wrote in the study, detailed April 16,2014 in the journal Biology Letters.

In the study, participants were assigned to one of three groups. The first group saw only clean-shaven faces, the second group only
fully bearded faces
, and the third group all faces.  Across all groups, the participants rated beards and stubble as more attractive than clean-shaven faces, but the preference for facial hair was greatest in the group who saw only clean-shaven men. The findings suggest that facial hair is most desirable when it is rare and why beards go in and out of fashion over the time.


So what type of beard should men grow in order to be more attractive to women?

The answer to the above question is not what you’d expect, because there simply is no single, perfect choice of beard that will have women swooning at your feet. Rather, the answer is: whichever beard makes the best first impression.

Everybody knows that first impressions count, and a woman’s first impression of a man’s facial hair is no exception. A clean-shaven look may look great on some men, because, let’s face it, a beard just doesn’t suit everybody. But for those men who do wear a beard well and proudly, several studies have proven that a light beard on a man appears to be the optimal choice for most women.

Survey results by
show that most women find light stubble to be more attractive than a clean-shaven face. The result is light stubble>clean shaven>less than a beard but more than stubble > the bushier the better.

According to Female First
, another survey by found out what women really think of a moustache on a man. “73% of ladies find facial hair attractive on a potential date, however only 25% would date someone with a moustache. The findings suggest that if single men want to increase their dating pool they should ditch the larger moustache and go for designer stubble instead.”

So, show up on a first date with some noticeable and obviously well-maintained, stubble, and you’ve already scored a few points. (Hopefully, your personality


When is a beard too much beard?

Lengthier beards appear to be all the rage these days, as men are keen to be channeling channelling their inner Viking. While a longer beard makes a man look more mature, most women involved in the studies were a bit turned off by the more aggressive look.

How to keep that beard in perfect shape

The colder weather and the countdown to the beginning of Movember is the perfect time to start growing that beard. Of course, cultivating the perfect beard means utilising the perfect tool. That’s where razors by Dorco come into play. Combining 60 years of expertise with today’s advanced razor technology, these quality products offer users an unparalleled shaving experience, and are ideal for keeping the perfect beard well-maintained on a daily basis.

Experiment with different lengths and styles to see what type of beard suits you, and you’ll soon be on your way to giving the ladies something to talk about. (Or presenting your current girlfriend or spouse with a new masculine look to help keep the embers burning!)


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