Shaving Your Hard-to-Reach Spots

Nowadays, both men and women like large sections of their bodies to be clean-shaven. The only problem with that is that some areas are hard to see and even harder to reach, and others are very sensitive. With a little bit of forethought and some great razors, however, you can accomplish the tasks at hand smoothly.

Having the right tools for the job is every bit as important for personal hygiene and grooming as it is for doing construction work. They are just different tools!

Intimate Shaving

For lady or manscaping adventures, there are some different tools you will want to have on hand. Instead of shaving cream, you’ll need some shaving gel. It sticks to your hair well, which is important because this area tends to have lots of thick hair. Shaving gel also helps to reduce irritation and makes shaving quicker. Another tool you will need is a good razor. We suggest the high-quality razors available from Razors by Dorco, which will also make the job easier for you. Another tool that is good to have handy is a pair of small trimming scissors, or you might consider a body shaver that shortens your hair to a manageable length so that you can shave more easily.

You can also remove hair from the ultra-sensitive bikini area with the latest hair removal creams that are less irritating and more effective than those you may have tried in the past. Find one for sensitive skin, likely containing shea and/or cocoa butter, to remove stubborn hair without a lot of irritation or getting a rash in that sensitive area. One of the pluses to using a depilatory like this is that it typically lasts longer than shaving. However, if you have sensitive skin, use a razor as waxing can cause redness and aggravates rashes.


Proper Prep Work


Raising your hair follicles is the way to get the closest possible shave. To do that, take a hot bath or shower, and exfoliate well to get rid of old, dead cells. To do a good exfoliating job, we recommend an exfoliating scrub or exfoliating gloves to help with the process. Once you are cleansed and exfoliated, you can apply the shaving gel and get to work.

Back and Neck Shaving


If you are attempting to shave harder areas to reach – your back or the back of your neck, for example, you have to be a little more creative. For areas like these, installing a pair of mirrors in your shower can help you see the work that needs to be done. Reach as far as you can with your shaver, but if you can’t quite do it, you might need some added help. Perhaps ask a close friend or, alternatively, invest in an all-over body grooming tool to reach your hardest spots.

When shaving with a razor, make sure you always use a good razor and that it is sharp and clean. Never leave them in the shower or anywhere else where they are likely to rust quickly, and keep the blades covered when possible. Try to always shave in the direction that your hair grows. This prevents rashes, bumps and irritation while also giving you a much better shave.

After Care


After you complete your shave, be sure that you apply moisturiser to the newly shaved skin. A good, natural cream that contains few chemicals is best, especially if your skin is sensitive. We recently founda great shea butter baby oil rub that works perfectly for this job and keeps skin soft and supple. Once you have completely de-fuzzed yourself, maintaining the job is easy if you keep up with it regularly. A weekly routine can keep you hair free and with healthy looking skin to boot.

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