
6 Brilliant Things About Kissing a Man With a Beard

To shave, or not to shave? That is the question men ask when moving in for a kiss.

We turned to the partners who get it for a list of the best things about kissing with a beard, and they gave us no shortage of reasons why kissing men with beards is always better. Here are some of the top rationales.

1. Beards Make a Man … Well, More Manly

Perhaps it caters to our animal instincts, but beards can really get our primeval juices flowing. When our heroes look like manly beasts, it’s just a whole lot sexier. If you are a kisser who likes it more aggressive, beards can give you a touch of roughness. A beard makes you feel like everything this man builds with his own two hands or sets out to do will get done and be epic, period. Here’s a guy who takes action.

2. Your Rebellious Youth Comes to the Fore

You remember the “bad boys” from high school, don’t you? They all either had some stubble or facial hair. Maybe even a tattoo and some cigs in their pocket. And yet, dating one would make you the ultimate bad girl, so you played it safe and kept your fantasies to yourself. Now, your partner — if he has a beard — can help you relive them all.

3. Kissing Is More Mysterious When There’s a Beard Involved

When a man’s facial hair is well-groomed and trimmed, he comes across as truly sophisticated. Think rugged and stylish actor Sean Connery. Or Brad Pitt, for that matter. The kind of man you want to know more about … but you know he’ll never really let all his secrets out. And that’s half the excitement.

4. While Kissing, It’s More Fun to Stroke a Partner With a Beard

Think evolution. Animal instincts, the need for grooming, stroking and, yes, petting — all better with facial hair involved. You’ll start to realize that men may not be too far from house pets: They like rubbing, scratching and sometimes a bit of pulling. If you do it just right, you can spark those nerve endings for some truly pleasurable sensations!

5. Beards Can Cure Boredom

If you ever wished for a brand-new boyfriend, just to spice things up a little, look no further than your current one! Just ask him to grow a beard. And then, make sure that it’s always perfectly trimmed the way you like it. Note how different Hollywood actors often change up their look or conform to the current character they are playing by growing out a beard.

6. Sexy People Know There’s an Art to Grooming

Some guys just know how to look perfectly put together — even with all that facial hair. And when your man makes the effort to work up a lather in the morning and trim his beard just right, it’s like he’s refined a timeless art. You appreciate the effort he makes to be the best for you, and you’re happy to do the same for him. If chemistry is partly physical and partly intellect, then we are happy to report that proper grooming requires both.


3 Rules for Grooming Before a Date:

Growing out a beard doesn’t mean becoming scraggly and unkempt. And when you’re meeting someone on an initial date, first impressions do count. As noted above, you can pull off the sophisticated, sexy look just as well with a face full of hair! Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing for your important day, or night.

1. Keep it neatly trimmed

Before a date, it’s essential to clean up. Good grooming gets bonus points every time!

Using special razors with precise blades will make the shaving process more efficient. Use ones that have excellent handles for concise control. You can stay elegant and luxurious-looking with the PACE6 PLUS razor.

2. Beards should be soft

It’s not just about the looks, but also how it feels.

Any facial hair should be smooth to the touch and not feel prickly. You may already be applying conditioner to your beard when you wash, but give it extra care with vitamin E. Try razors with vitamin E strips if you can’t get the conditioning or oil needed.

3. Style—not irritating stubble

Stubble is prickly, and an actual turn off.

When styling your beard, you may need to go to a salon for your first stylish cut. After that, simply use the right tools. A razor with a pivoting head can help you reach all the right places and make sure your beard is always attractive.

Advice for Partners Who Love Men With Beards

If you experience “beard burn,” an irritating spot above your lips, simply soothe the skin and condition it with aloe vera gel. You can also apply chamomile tea bags to help with any irritation. Always let your partner know how you like him to trim (or not trim) his facial hair. Honesty is the best policy!

For more great hair ideas, beard tips and shaving hacks, follow Razors by DORCO on Facebook.


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